In my last post about things to look for in a home inspector, I covered 3 common items to consider, but elements of uncertainty and risk still remain. It is sometimes helpful to call several real estate offices and ask who are the most thorough inspectors in the area, but those recommendations may not be entirely objective. The unfortunate bottom line is this: There are no absolutes when selecting a qualified home inspector. The old adage still applies: “Buyer beware!”

Either way, here are 3 more things to look for in a home inspector.

1. Do they carry errors and omissions insurance: The importance of E&O insurance is often stressed as an important consideration when hiring a home inspector. If an inspector fails to report a major defect, the deep pocket of an insurance company may be the only recourse. On the other hand, some of the most qualified home inspectors forego this insurance because deep pockets can be an attraction to litigious attorneys.

2. Does the inspector carry any building code certification(s): Although code certification is not a professional requirement for home inspectors, some inspectors acquire code credentials to increase their knowledge of potential building defects. This knowledge is unquestionably beneficial. On the other hand, increased knowledge is not related to the inherent ability to observe and evaluate defects. It is possible to know the code yet fail to recognize an apparent problem.

3. You should always ask for a sample report: Sample reports provide clues as to the thoroughness of a home inspector. On the other hand, anyone can purchase a high-tech report writing system. The report may look great, but this does not mean there is a qualified inspector behind the printed page. Furthermore, sample reports only show the problems that were found by the inspector, not the ones that were missed.

So, now we have 6 Things to Look for in a Home Inspector.  If you missed the last 3, check out my last post: 3 Things to Look for in a Home Inspector.

Need for info?  Here is an article I found on the Internet called 10 Home Inspection Tips for Real Estate Agents.

Can you think of any other things to look for in a Home Inspector?  Let me know.  Leave me a comment.